On May 25, 2010, Microsoft announced that Phase One acquired Expression Media from Microsoft. Phase One is solely focused on digital photography and has a respected brand and deep commitment to digital photography. Phase One is committed to the Expression Media product and is in a strong position to evolve and build on the product's strong foundation.
For more information about Phase One and Expression Media, please visit: http://www.phaseone.com/expressionmedia2
Support Information:
Phase One made an announcement about the acquisition in the Microsoft Expression Media Forum. Details announced by Phase One included the following:
- Beginning August 25, 2010, Phase One will handle all customer support.
- For troubleshooting assistance and support please refer to Phase One’s on-line resources at: http://www.phaseone.com/support . Please note that Phase One is providing support through our online Support Center only.
- If you have any questions or would like to start a new discussion regarding Expression Media, please go to Phase One’s Online Forums .